A team from the Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has analyzed the mercury concentration of 58 species of fish and shellfish for human consumption on sale in local markets in Spain, Italy and France.
Of these, 13 species showed mercury concentrations below those recommended as safe by the European Union (EU). These include sardines, anchovies, sea bream, sea bream and squid.
"Consuming these species minimizes our mercury intake, which is the price to pay when eating fish. In addition, these fish have a good amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which are more beneficial from a nutritional point of view," says Joan O. Grimalt, researcher at IDAEA-CSIC and lead author of the study, published in the journal Environmental Pollution.
Mercury is a toxic element that damages the kidneys, lungs and the cardiovascular and nervous systems, especially in pregnant women and children. Due to its physical-chemical properties, mercury can be transported over long distances and deposited in aquatic ecosystems, where it is absorbed by fish and other organisms. Most of the mercury that is ingested by the human population comes precisely from the consumption of fish and seafood.
The study focuses on more than 1,300 specimens of 58 species of fish and shellfish for human consumption that were on sale in markets in Spain (Menorca, Mallorca, Ibiza, Alicante, Ametlla de Mar and L'Ampolla), Italy (Genoa, Civitavecchia, Alghero) and France (Marseille). Other species that are safer are blue whiting, blue whiting, caramel, red mullet, red mullet, serrano, corvallo, salpa and dolphinfish.
Grimalt concluded by stating that: "According to these results, health authorities should pay special attention to the fish and shellfish species with the highest mercury levels and make appropriate preventive health recommendations, especially for pregnant women and children".
At Pescatore Seafood, we urge our consumers to evaluate the fish and seafood they consume that are suitable for each type of diet and above all to the previous health conditions of the consumer.